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The South Asia Policy and Research Institute (SAPRI) is a not for profit, non-partisan ‘Think Tank’ whose focus is the study of issues relating to political, economic, social, cultural and environmental topics in South Asia, and, making recommendations to be implemented through an advocacy process at the policy making level as well as at the grassroots level. SAPRI was established in February 2010 under the Chairmanship of Madame Chandrika Kumaratunga, former President of Sri Lanka. It has a Board of Directors comprising eminent Sri Lankan and South Asian experts.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික් කාන්තා පළාත් ආණ්ඩු සභිකාවන් පළමුවන දිස්ත්‍රික් ක්‍රියාකාරකම කොලොන්නාවේදී පවත්වයි: තේමාව- “සංහිදියාව සහ ජාතික ආරක්ෂාව”

සැප්‍රි (SAPRI) ආයතනය විසින් නෙදර්ලන්ත තානාපති කාර්යාලයේ සහාය ඇතිව 2018 මැයි මස සිට 2019 මැයි මස දක්වා මෙහෙයවූ කාන්තා පළාත් පාලන සභිකාවන් “සවි බල ගැන්වීමේ” වැඩ සටහන 2019 මැයි මස 24 වන දින අවසන් වූ අතර ඉදිරි ගමන උදෙසා “ මාර්ග සිතියමක්” සභිකාවන් විසින් එදින පිළියෙළ කරන ලදී.

කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ සභිකාවන් විසින්  සකස් කරන ලද මාර්ග සිතියමට අනුකූලව කොලොන්නාව නගර සභාවෙහි සභිකාවන් විසින් පළමු වැඩසටහන, ගංගානි උෂාන්ති පෙරේරා සභිකාවගේ මූලිකත්වයන් 2019 ජූනි මස 1 වන දින, කොලොන්නාවේදී පවත්වන ලදී.  මැයි 24 දින රැස්වීමේ දී  ප්‍රකාශ කළ පරිදි, මෙම වැඩසටහන සාර්ථකව පැවැත්වීමට ඔවුන්ට හැකි වූ අතර, වැඩසටහන සංවිධානය කිරීම සදහා වැය කලේ සතියක් වැනි කෙටි කාලයක් පමණි.

විවිධ දේශපාලන පක්ෂ නියෝජනය කරමින් කොළඹ මහ නගර සභාව, දෙහිවල-ගල්කිස්ස මහ නගර සභාව සහ කොළොන්නාව නගර සභාවේ සභිකාවන් 11 දෙනෙක් මෙම වැඩසටහනට සහභාගි වූහ. කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ පළාත් ආණ්ඩු ආයතනයන්හි පුරුෂ නියෝජිතයන් මෙන්ම ප්‍රජා නියෝජිතයන්ද මෙම වැඩසටහනට සම්බන්ධ වුහ.

“සංහිදියාව සහ ජාතික ආරක්ෂාව” යන මාතෘකාව වැඩ සටහනෙහි තේමාව විය.

මෙම අවස්ථාවට සියලු ආගම්වල පූජකවරුන් සම්බන්ධ වුහ. බෞද්ධ ස්වාමින් වහන්සේලා සිව්නමක් විසින් සෙත් පිරිත් ගායනා කළ අතර හින්දු, ඉස්ලාම්, කතෝලික/ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගමික පූජකවරුන් විසින් ආගමික වතාවත් පවත්වන ලදී.  පූජ්‍ය පක්ෂය විසින් මෙම අවස්ථාවේ දේශනා පැවැත්වීමද කරන ලදී.

හිටපු හමුදාපති දයා රත්නායක මහතා විසින් පවත්වන ලද ප්‍රධාන දේශනය සමඟ වැඩසටහන ආරම්භ විය.

ප්‍රජාව නියෝජනය කරමින්  අදහස් දැක්වීමට සාමාජිකයන්ට ආරාධනා කිරීමෙන් පසුව ඔවුන් සාර්ථක අන්දමින් සංහිඳියාවේ අවශ්‍යතාවය පැහැදිලි කළ අතර ගුණධර්ම සහ සමානාත්මතාවය වර්ධනය කිරීමේ වැඩසටහන් ඉදිරියට ගෙනයාමේ අවශ්‍යතාවය අවධාරණය කරන ලදී.
වැඩසටහන අවසානයේ සහබාගී වූ සැම දෙනාම එකතුව ජාතික ගීය ගායනා කරන ලදි.

වැඩසටහන නිම වීමෙන් පසු ප්‍රධාන සංවිධායිකා  ගංගානි උෂාන්ති පෙරේරා සභිකාතුමිය මෙසේ ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලදී. 

“සංහිඳියාව හා ජාතික ආරක්ෂාව උදෙසා පැවැත්වු වැඩසටහනට සහභාගි වු අපේ කාන්තා පක්ෂයේ සියළුම සහෝදරියන්ට හා මෙවැනි වැඩසටහන් සංවිධානය කිරීමට දැනුම හා අපගේ කුසලතා නංවාලන SAPRI ආයතනයේ ගීතා ද සිල්වා මැතිනිය ඇතුළු සියළු දෙනාට මගේ ගෞරවනීය  ස්තූතිය”  
-කොලොන්නාවේ ගංගානි උෂාන්ති-

පාස්කු බෝම්බ ප්‍රහාරයෙන් පසුව මතුවූ සමාජ අස්ථාවරත්වයට ප්‍රතිචාරයක් වශයෙන් කාන්තා සභිකාවන් විසින් සංවිධානය කරන ලද මෙම වැඩසටහන කාලීනව වැදගත් අවස්ථාවක් වන්නේ මෙම  බිම් මට්ටමේ කාන්තා නියෝජිතවරියන් බහුතරයක් 2018 වර්ෂයේ පළාත් පාලන මැතිවරණයේ දී 25%ක ප්‍රතිශතය ක්‍රියාවට නැංවීමත් සමග දේශපාලන ක්‍ෂේත්‍රයට අවතීර්ණ වූ අය වීමයි. 

එමෙන්ම, කොළොන්නාව නගර සභාවේ කාන්තා සභිකාවන්ගේ පුරෝගාමී මෙහෙවර, දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ ප්‍රමුඛ පළාත් පාලන ආයතනයන් කිහිපයක් එක්ව ක්‍රියාත්මක වීම සහ  දේශපාලන පක්ෂපාතිත්වය නොතකා කාන්තා පෙරමුණක් ලෙස  එක්වීමට දරන උත්සාහයක් ලෙස ප්‍රශංසනීය වේ.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

கொழும்பு மாவட்ட உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களினால் கொலன்னாவ பிரதேசத்தில் நடைமுறைப்படுத்தப்பட்ட செயற்திட்டம்

தென் ஆசியக் கொள்கை மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவகத்தின்; (ளுயுPசுஐ) உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களை வலுப்படுத்தும் நிகழ்ச்சித் திட்டத்தின் இறுதி நிகழ்வானது 24.05.2019 அன்று கொழும்பு, வவுனியா, கம்பாஹ, அம்பாறை ஆகிய மாவட்டங்களை சேர்ந்த உள்@ராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களின் பங்குபற்றலுடன்; இடம்பெற்றது. அதன்போது, அடுத்த கட்ட நடவடிக்கைகள் தொடர்பான முன்மொழிவுகளும் முன்வைக்கப்பட்டன. அதன் பிரகாரம் கொழும்பு மாவட்ட உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களினால் கொலன்னாவ பிரதேசத்தில் நடைமுறைப்படுத்தப்பட்ட செயற்திட்டமானது முதன்மையானதாக அமைந்திருந்தது. இந் நிகழ்ச்சித் திட்டமானது நெதர்லாந்து உயர்ஸ்தானிகர் காரியாலயத்தின் உதவியுடன் நடைமுறைப்படுத்துகின்றது. 

குறிப்பிட்ட செயற்திட்டமானது 01.06.2019 அன்று கொலன்னாவ பிரதேசத்தில் கொலன்னாவ உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களினால் கௌரவ உறுப்பினர் கங்கானி உசான்தி பெரேராவின் தலைமையில் ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தது. உண்மையில், வெறும் ஏழு நாட்களில் இதனை ஏற்பாடு செய்திருந்;தமை மிகவும் குறிப்பிடதக்க விடயமாகும். 

கொழும்பு மாவட்டத்தை சேர்ந்த பல்வேறு அரசியல் கட்சிகளின் 11 உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களின் இந் நிகழ்வில் பங்குகொண்டனர். அவர்கள் கொழும்பு மற்றும் தெஹிவளை மாநகர சபைகள் மற்றும் கொலன்னாவ பிரதேச சபை ஆகிய உள்ளுராட்சி மன்றங்களை பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்தி இருந்தனர்;. கொழும்பு மாவட்டத்தை சேர்ந்த உள்ளுராட்சி ஆண் உறுப்பினர்களும் கலந்துக்கொண்டதுடன், கொலன்னாவ சமூக பிரதிநிதிகளும் முக்கிய பங்குபற்றுனர்களாக அமர்ந்து இருந்தனர். 

இந் நிகழ்வின் கருப்பொருளானது தேசிய பாதுகாப்பும், நல்லிணக்கமும் ஆகும்.

அனைத்து சமய பெரியார்களினதும் இறைவணக்கத்துடன் நிகழ்வானது ஆரம்பமானது. பௌத்த மத பிக்குவினால் செத் பிரித் ஓதப்பட்டதுடன் அதனை தொடர்ந்து இந்து, இஸ்லாம் மற்றும் கிறிஸ்த்தவ சமயங்களின் இறைவணக்கம்  செலுத்தப்பட்டது. பௌத்த மத பிக்குவினால் ஒரு சொற்பொழிவும் மேற்க்கொள்ளப்பட்டது.  

நிகழ்வின் பிரதான உரையானது முன்னாள் இராணுவ தளபதி தயா ரத்நாயக்கவினால் பல்லின சமூகமும், பல சமயங்களும் உடைய எமது நாட்டில் இன ஒற்றுமையை கட்டியெழுப்புவதன் முக்கியத்துவம் தொடர்பாக அமைந்திருந்தது. 

சமூக பிரதிநிதிகளுக்கு இது தொடர்பாக தங்களது கருத்துக்களை தெரிவிக்க சந்தர்ப்பம் வழங்கப்பட்டதுடன், அவர்கள் நல்லிணக்கத்தின் அனுகூலங்கள் தொடர்பாக சிறப்பாக தங்களது கருத்துக்களை முன்வைத்ததுடன் செயற்திட்டங்கள் மூலம் அவ்வாறான ஒற்றுமையும், நல்லிணக்கமும் பேணப்படவேண்டும் என்று தெரிவித்தனர். 

நிகழ்வின் இறுதியில் அனைவரும் இணைந்து தேசிய கீதத்தை பாடினார்கள்.

இறுதி உரையில் கொலன்னாவ பிரதேச உறுப்பினரும் இந் நிகழ்வின் பிரதான ஏற்பாட்டாளருமான கங்கானி உசான்தி பெரேரா குறிப்பிடும் போது தேசிய பாதுகாப்பும், நல்லிணக்கமும் எனும் தொனிப்பொருளில் இடம்பெற்ற இந் நிகழ்வில் பங்குபற்றிய எனது சக பெண் உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு எனது கௌரவமான நன்றிகளை தெரிவித்துக்கொள்கின்றேன். மேலும் இவ்வாறான ஒரு நிகழ்வை ஏற்பாடு செய்வதற்கு தேவையான அறிவையும், இயலுமையையும் பெற்று தந்தமை தொடர்பில் திருமதி கீதா டி சில்வா மற்றும் தென் ஆசியக் கொள்கை மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவகத்தின் அனைத்து ஊழியர்களுக்கும் எமது  நன்றிகள்.என குறிப்பிட்டார். 

இந் நிகழ்வானது காலத்திற்கு ஏற்ற முக்கியமானதொன்றாகும். கடந்த ஈஸ்டர் தாக்குதலுக்கு பின்னர் ஏற்பட்டுள்ள சமூக முரண்பாடுகளின் அடிப்படையில் மேற்படி நிகழ்வானது உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்களால் நடாத்தப்பட்டது.  2018 உள்ளுராட்சி தேர்தலின் மூலமாக 25மூ ஒதுக்கீடு மூலமாக புதிதாக தெரிவு செய்யப்பட்ட சமூகத்தின் அடிமட்ட பெண் உறுப்பினர்கள் இவ்வாறான முக்கியமான விடயம் தொடர்பில் தங்களை வெளிக்கொண்டு வந்துள்ளனர். 

மேலும், அரசியல் வேறுபாடுகளை தவிர்த்து பெண் என்ற அடையாளத்தை முன்னிலைப்படுத்தி மாவட்டத்தை சேர்ந்த அனைத்து  உள்ளுராட்சி பெண் உறுப்பினர்கள் மற்றும்  கொலன்னாவ பிரதேச பெண் உறுப்பினர்கள் ஒன்றாக இணைந்து இந் நிகழ்வினை நடாத்தியமை ஒரு மைல்கல்லாக குறிப்பிடலாம்.   

Friday, June 7, 2019


The Colombo district women councilors were the first to conduct an activity according to the road maps prepared at the final event of SAPRI’s Empowerment Program, held on 24 May 2019, attended by women councilors of Ampara, Colombo, Gampaha and Vavuniya.  The program is assisted by Embassy of the Netherlands.

The event was held on 1 June 2019 in Kolonnawa, organised by the women councilors of the Kolonnawa Urban Council, led by Councilor Gangani Ushanthi Perera. It is remarkable that they were able to accomplish this target within seven days only.

Eleven women Councilors from the Colombo District, representing different political parties were present at the event. They were from the Municipal Councils of Colombo and Dehiwala-Mt Lavinia and the Kolonnawa Urban Council. Male councilors of the local government bodies in the district were also present while representatives from the community in Kolonnwa were prominently seated in the audience.

The theme of the program was “Reconciliation and National Security”.

The event commenced with religious observances of the clergy of all religions present on the occasion. The four Buddhist monks present chanted “Seth Pirith”, following which blessings were offered by the clergy from the Hindu, Islam & Catholic/Christian religions. The clergy also addressed the gathering.

The keynote address delivered by former Army Commander Daya Rathnayake highlighted the importance of harmony in a multi-religious, multi-ethnic society.

Members from the community were invited to deliver remarks and they took the floor explaining effectively the virtues of reconciliation and emphasized the necessity to continue with such harmony and reconciliation enhancing programs.

The event ended with everybody present joining in to sing the national anthem.
On the conclusion of the program Kolonnawa Urban Council member and key organizer of the event Councilor Gangani Ushanthi Perera said “I extend my respectful thanks to all my sister Councilors, who participated in the program on ‘Reconciliation and National Security’, as a women's Front and Mrs. Geetha de Silva & everybody at SAPRI for providing us with knowledge and building our capacities to organize such events”.

The event was significant for its timely relevance. The Women Councilors organized the program as a response to the recent social unrest following the Easter Sunday Bombings. Their response as women representatives at the grassroots level was an important manifestation as they were newly elected women councilors who assumed office through the 25% quota following the 2018 elections.  Also, the effort of Women Councilors from the Kolonnawa Urban Council is a milestone as it brought together a number of women Councilors from different local bodies of the district uniting them as a front of women, regardless of political biases.  

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Power to Women: Why SAPRI Thinks It Is A Must?

Though women consist of half the population of most countries, they hardly get the opportunity to play a key role in their countries’ political decision making and implementation processes. Women throughout history have been restricted predominantly to the private sphere, tasked with devoting their time and efforts for the wellbeing of the family institution. Accordingly, a political culture dominated by men has manifested throughout the world, and the lack of women’s active political involvement is widely argued to be a key attribute of indecorous political cultures. Also, women’s role as vital        stakeholders in the manifestation and sustenance of peace and security in a world of conflict and chaos, is duly appreciated. Thus, in recognition of women’s role in social progress, South Asia Policy & Research Institute (SAPRI) has long considered Empowerment of Women as a key focal area on its agenda.

SAPRI believes that the absence of women in mainstream politics deprives the society of their contribution to include qualities women are uniquely known to have, such as commitment, dedication, empathy and focus coupled with a deeper understanding, in policy making and implementation. However, to enable women to come forward and assume social responsibilities, an attitudinal change associated with education and carefully structured training is required, as a means to empower them. A gradual and significant change of mindset from that of a caretaker to a decision maker and initiator is likely to bring forth the best in women, for the benefit of the whole.  

The much-reduced presence of women in the political arena of Sri Lanka deprives the society of the benefit of comprehensive frameworks that can be achieved by having all key players in the decision-making process. According to data in 2015, in the parliamentary level, the percentage of women leaders is 6.7%, the level of provincial council’s percentage is 4% and 1.4% was the percentage of women leaders in local governance. In recognition of the need to increase women’s active involvement in politics, SAPRI had been conducting workshops for present and potential women political activists in several districts of the country. 

With the window of opportunity provided by the advent of the 25% quota, SAPRI recognized that the majority of over 2000 Women Councilors elected hardly had any prior experience in politics. Further prompted by continuous requests by Women Councilors, SAPRI was persuaded to answer to the need of the hour with an effort aimed at equipping newly elected Women Councilors with necessary capacities to succeed as public representatives, and proceed towards higher levels in political participation. Thus, the initiative to empower newly elected Women Local Government Councilors was commenced by SAPRI, with the assistance of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and conducted in the districts of Ampara, Colombo, Gampaha and Vavuniya.  during a one year period, from May 2018 to May 2019.

Reconciliation at Grassroots led by Women Local Government Members

Reconciliation at Grassroots led by Women Local Government Members: Way forward by transferring ownership to communities A project of SAPR...